Sunday 5 March 2017

10 Steps to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

Succeeding as an entrepreneur takes hard work and persistence because, unfortunately, there is no business-startup fairy who magically bestows success on small businesses and their owners.
Most successful entrepreneurs follow
comparable patterns and share similar basic characteristics. Hundreds of online articles and published books claim to know the secret of success in business, but for the most part, they boil down to the same major points.
Passion, perseverance and a positive attitude tend to set successful entrepreneurs apart. Cultivating these attributes requires an innate skill set and some tips to get started.
So here are the main items to take into consideration if you’re trying to develop a business platform. These elements constitute will support a smart strategy for any new enterprise:

1. Love what you do.
Passion is key to keeping a business strategy moving. Half-heartedness in an entrepreneurial endeavor will chip away at your drive to succeed. Perseverance is the one thing that’s guaranteed to move anything over time, whether it’s a person, a job or an entire company. Abraham Lincoln failed at most of his efforts until late in his life, but he never gave up.

2. Take baby steps.
Jumping all in is rarely ever successful. There are success stories about people who invested everything once and came out winners after six months or a couple years, but those are rare. Risk management is an essential factor in any startup, and balance is vital. You can absorb losses more easily if you take smaller risks in the beginning. Those will provide essential and productive lessons.
Related: Forget Big Goals. Take Baby Steps for Small, Daily Wins.

3. Learn from others.
Successful entrepreneurs often worked for others in their field of choice before striking out on their own. Spending a few years in the industry under an excellent mentor will provide a good launching pad. Learn from your predecessors’ mistakes and brainstorm about how to improve upon their model. Find someone willing to teach, and think about starting your business elsewhere when you leave.

4. Learn how to self-promote.
Confidence and a good elevator speech can take any pitch to the next level. The first marketing any company experiences comes from its founder. Spend time learning how to share your vision without coming across as “salesy.” Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale, but remember: the client is always the focus.

5. Constantly take action.
Entrepreneurs are movers and shakers. They can’t afford to analyze every detail or they’d never get anywhere. There is no place for procrastination in a startup. It’s a 24/7, no-vacation-or-sick-days kind of job that demands constant forward momentum. Make a brief assessment at every step and move on it. Trust your instincts.
Related: The Scientific Reason You Should Trust Your Gut

6. Make a plan.
Read about successful businesses. Take in the wealth of knowledge that’s been provided by successful entrepreneurs such as Steve Jobs and the personalities from Shark Tank. A successful business plan does not have to be a book. A 10-page plan is digestible yet long enough to include everything you need to start.

7. Build a reputation.
According to Brandi Bennett at, maintaining a blog on a well-hosted website, or volunteering your time and skills, shows instead of tells the community, and thereby builds expertise and trust.

8. It’s never too late to start.
Many successful entrepreneurs started later in life. J. K. Rowling (Harry Potter author), Julia Child (chef), and Sam Walton (Wal-Mart) all started their wildly successful brands after they were comfortably along in their lives. Having the experience that comes with age can give you a unique outlook on your business. Life experiences bring depth that the most educated young adult, by his or her nature, is less able to foresee.

9. Build your "A team".
Finding the skill sets and attitudes that support the culture of the brand you want to promote will foster innovation and enhance your reputation. Include folks from outside the company for the people you rely on. That will start a free marketing chain reaction that can build confidence and revenue.

10. Be mindful of your attitude.
The attitude of the founder will set the tone for the business. Negativity, laziness and entitlement waste time and money while they tarnish your reputation. Success largely depends on making mistakes and accepting blame in stride. Owning up to and facing challenges head-on is what makes a mere business owner a leader.
Starting a business can wreak havoc on the owner’s personal life. While all the above tips are necessary for success, taking care of yourself mentally and physically is also imperative. Exercise, sleep and diet play a central role in ensuring you implement these policies successfully. All of them drive attitude, motivation and relationships.
Successful CEOs tend to follow a structured, daily schedule of rising early, exercising, having snacks on hand for fuel and socializing many evenings of the week.
Striking a balance may take a while, but working toward this list as a goal for starting your company will make the difference. How an owner feels about progress and how quickly a business can be up and running -- and feeding that bottom line -- will swiftly feel the impact.

Related: Success is All in the Attitude

How to Make Money with Network Marketing

Network marketing, otherwise known as multi-level marketing , is a business structure in which “hiring” consists of recruiting others into the company, and “payroll” consists of personal sales and commission from downline sales.
Often stigmatized as get-rich-quick or pyramid schemes, network marketing companies are nonetheless establishing solid reputations and pulling more and more interest from people disillusioned with the job market , failing pensions, and their lack of financial independence.
While the myth that all network marketing companies are scams is steadily being dispelled, some still question whether these businesses are actually worth getting involved in — can ordinary people be successful at them?
My answer is yes, especially if you consider the following tips.
Take advantage of any and all training.
One of the greatest pitfalls of many network marketing companies is their failure to properly train recruits and equip them with the skills necessary to be successful.
Even though you don’t need a degree or a background in business to succeed as an independent contractor in a network marketing company, you’ll need to know how to run your “business” to maximize your profit. How far and how fast you go will usually depend on how much training you’ve had. Unfortunately, most of these companies don’t offer much in the way of training. They psych you up, hand you your materials, and let you loose.
This means you’ll have to pursue the information for yourself. One of the best ways to do this is by picking the brain of the person who recruited you, or someone else who’s been with the company a number of years and found success. Ask detailed questions about their business practices, take notes, and request any materials or tools they can spare. If the company is legitimate, there should be at least someone who is genuinely interested in your success and is willing to help you.
Show up for your “job.”
You can’t just expect the money to start rolling in without putting time and effort into your business. View your company as a real job to which you have to devote a certain number of hours every week. The more work you put in, the more you’ll get out.
If you’re not a go-getter , this can be challenging — because no one is telling you what to do. Network marketing is almost like being self-employed; you’re the boss. This can be a great perk, but it also means you have to exercise control over your one employee — yourself.
Determine your goals for your company.
Is your goal to use your network marketing as a side job to supplement another income ? You should devote at least a few hours a week. If your goal is to turn your network marketing business into a full-time income, you should set aside 15 or more hours a week. Write a list of your immediate and long-term goals and how you plan to accomplish them.
Find out what works for you.
Some people naturally have great salesmanship skills and succeed with seemingly little effort at network marketing businesses. Others struggle to make connections and be a salesman. You may not be a natural salesman, but you can still use what comes naturally to you.
The best way to sell any product and recruit others into selling it is to believe in it and have a story to tell. Most people are more receptive to a person who is genuine, honest, and has personal experience with their products and customers.
This is why it’s important to find a company you believe in and can get excited about. Selling will come naturally, and you’ll be successful before you know it. With as many network marketing companies as there are, finding one you identify with shouldn’t be hard.
Network marketing companies are a unique and exciting type of home-based business that can provide great success to those who pursue training, devote time to their business, articulate and pursue their goals, and use their own unique story to recruit others.

Have you ever considered delving into network marketing?

How to Generate Working Credit Cards?

1. Click on myCards and choose what type of cards you want to generate.

2. Choose a name or simply put “Auto” to randomly choose name details.

3. Wait for the generation to finish.

4. Done!

5. Download your brand new credit card number complete with CVV and security detals.

Friday 21 October 2016

How Hackers hack credit cards or debit cards password Online

Hello Friends, today I will explain you how a credit card hack works: how to hack credit cards using packet sniffing and session hijacking. In this tutorial, we will discuss how we can exploit the vulnerability in credit or debit card functionality to hack the card’s password. Nowadays, fund transfers and online shopping are done using primarily internet banking and credit cards. Interestingly, those methods utilize SSL (click here to learn more about SSL). People tend to believe that their accounts cannot be hacked because their transactions are secured by extra security layer, SSL, but it’s actually quite easy to break the SSL. It is always better to secure your computer and internet connection rather than depend on payment sites. So first, we should know how credit cards work and how transactions are performed. Please read on.
First, know that it’s virtually impossible to see the actual data that is transferred during a transaction, but by using session hijacking and packet sniffing we can achieve see the data in an encrypted form.

What really is attacked?
The fatal flaw that enables sensitive information to be stolen occurs when an end-user is not properly educated on the easily executable, well-known SSL exploit: SSL MITM. Hackers take advantage of that to get access to your sensitive data. A great saying applies here: PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN A CURE. The only thing required to block the loopholes in the system is a properly educated end user. I have already shared two articles with you about how to secure yourself. The first is “Make your computer 100% hacker proof” (Click here to read) and other is “10 easy tips to secure your computer” (click here to read).
How the hack works and how to do it:
PLEASE NOTE THAT hacking credit or debit cards is illegal and will result in serious consequences, including imprisonment. This tutorial is for educational purposes only. I am explaining this tutorial to make you aware of how it works.
Suppose you use a WiFi connection to connect to internet. A hacker will hack your WiFi network and connect to it. He will then run a series of utilities to redirect other user data through his machine, followed by more utilities to sniff the data, acting as an SSL Certificate Server to be the Man-the-Middle.
The following diagram shows a very simplified graphic of how your SSL banking session should work under normal conditions, then how it would work during an attack:
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how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
It is important to know that a certificate is used to establish the secure SSL connection. This is a good thing if you have the right certificate and are connecting directly to the website you intended to use. Then all your data is encrypted from your browser to the SSL website where the bank’s website will use the information from the certificate it gave you to decrypt your data/credentials. If that is truly the case, then it is pretty darn hard for a hacker to decrypt the data/credentials being transmitted, even if he is able to sniff your data.
This is a bad thing if you have a “fake” certificate being sent from the hacker and are actually connecting to his machine, not directly to the bank’s website. In this case, your credentials are being transmitted between your browser and the hacker’s machine. The hacker is able to grab that traffic, and, because he gave you the certificate to encrypt the data/credentials, he can use that same certificate to decrypt your data/credentials.


His first step would be to turn on Fragrouter, so that his machine can perform IP forwarding
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
After that, he’ll want to direct your WiFi network traffic to his machine, rather than your data traffic going directly to the Internet. This enables him to be the “Man-in-the-Middle” between your machine and the internet. Using Arpspoof, a simple technique, he determines your IP address is and the Default Gateway of the WiFi network is
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The next step is to enable DNS Spoofing via DNSSpoof:
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
Since he will be replacing the bank or online store’s valid certificate with his own fake one, he will need to turn on the utility to enable his system to be the Man-in-the-Middle for web sessions and to handle certificates. This is done via webmitm:
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
At this point, he is ready to go. Now he needs to begin actively sniffing your data passing through his machine, including your login and credit card information. He opts to do this with Ethereal, then saves his capture:
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
He now has the data, but it is still encrypted with 128-bit SSL. No problem, since he has the key. What he needs to do now is simply decrypt the data using the certificate that he gave you. He does this with SSL Dump:
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He runs a Cat command to view the now decrypted SSL information. Note that the username is “Bankusername” and the password is “BankPassword.” Conveniently, this dump also reveals the banking site as National City. FYI, the better, more secure banking and online store websites will have you first connect to another, preceding page via SSL, prior to connecting to the page where you enter sensitive information such as bank login credentials or credit card numbers. The reason for this is to stop the MITM-type attack. This helps because if you were to access this preceding page first with a “fake” certificate the next page where you were to enter the sensitive information would not display. The page gathering the sensitive information would be expecting a valid certificate, which it would not receive because of the Man-in-the-Middle. While some online banks and stores do implement this extra step/page for security reasons, the real flaw in this attack is the uneducated end-user, as you’ll soon see:
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With this information, he can now log into your online bank account with the same access and privileges as you. He could transfer money, view account data, etc.
Below is an example of a sniffed SSL credit card purchase/transaction. You can see that Elvis Presley was attempting to make a purchase with his credit card 5440123412341234 with an expiration date of 5/06 and the billing address of Graceland in Memphis, TN (He is alive!). If this was your information, the hacker could easily make online purchases with your card.
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password

Bad News for SSL VPN Admins

This type of attack could be particularly bad for corporations, because Corporate SSL VPN solutions are also vulnerable to this type of attack. Corporate SSL VPN solutions will often authenticate against Active Directory, the NT Domain, LDAP, or some other centralized credentials data store. Sniffing the SSL VPN login then gives an attacker valid credentials to the corporate network and other systems.

What an End-User Needs To Know

There’s a big step an end-user can take to prevent this from taking place. When the MITM Hacker uses the “bad” certificate instead of the “good,” valid certificate, the end-user is actually alerted to this. The problem is that most end-users don’t understand what this means and will unknowingly agree to use the fake certificate. Below is an example of the Security Alert an end-user would receive. Most uneducated end-users would simply click “Yes”… and this is the fatal flaw:
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By clicking “Yes,” they have set themselves up to be hacked. By clicking the “View Certificate” button, the end-user would easily see that there is a problem. Below are examples of the various certificate views/tabs that show a good certificate compared to the bad certificate:
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how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
how credit card works,hack credit cards,hack credit cards online,how to hack credit card password
Left One Good Certificate and right one fake certificate

How an End-User Can Prevent This

  • Again, the simple act of viewing the certificate and clicking “No” would have prevented this from happening.
  • Education is the key for an end-user. If you see this message, take the time to view the certificate. As you can see from the examples above, you can tell when something doesn’t look right. If you can’t tell, err on the side of caution and call your online bank or the online store.
  • Take the time to read and understand all security messages you receive. Don’t just randomly click yes out of convenience.

How a Corporation Can Prevent This

  • Educate the end-user on the Security Alert and how to react to it.
  • Utilize One Time Passwords, such as RSA Tokens, to prevent the reuse of sniffed credentials.
  • When using SSL VPN, utilize mature products with advanced features, such as Juniper’s Secure Application Manager or Network Connect functionality.
To get our free books emailed to you and more detailed information on these credit and debit card hacking concepts on an ongoing basis you can join our list.  Please remember that this is all for educational purposes only and you should never hack someones debit or bank cards.  This wrong morally and illegal as well.

How Hackers Hack Bank Accounts and Personal Information

How do Hackers Hack Bank Accounts and Personal Information? Most people studying hacking have a keen interest in learning how to can hack bank accounts. They become discouraged with the prevailing perception that it is almost impossible to hack credit cards, debit cards, or net banking passwords, which is true to an extent. Today I will discuss with you why hacking bank account information is tough and considered to be almost impossible. We will also discuss the different, contemporary methods that hackers use to hack bank accounts.
how to hack bank details
Almost everybody uses the internet nowadays to pay bills, book reservations and tickets, purchase items, or simply to transfer money. All of these online transactions involve money, meaning they’re using banking information, credit or debit card payments, or simply net banking. Most banks use SSL (Secured Sockets Layer) connection and at least 128 or 256 bit encryption for online banking and transaction purposes. An additional layer of security that companies are introducing is called “transaction PIN layer” which means that for each and every online transaction you have to enter your password, and that during transactions you have to enter a PIN, a type of password between 4 and 8 characters in length. Thus, banks do a lot of work to protect your credentials from the eyes of the world that may wish to gain access to your vital information.
Below, examples will illustrate to you how powerful the encryption method is:
  • 40 bit encryption means there are 2^40 possible keys that could fit into the lock that holds your account information. That means there are billions of possible keys and using brute force is not an option. The only thing left now is a dictionary and rainbow attack. But it’s not only the security measure that banks use to secure information.
  • 128 bit encryption means there are 2^88 times as many key combinations that are possible for 40 bit encryption. That means a computer would require exponentially more processing power and time than a 40-bit encryption to find the correct key.
That’s a very powerful method of encrypting data sent from your machine to bank machine. But it’s all useless once your system has been compromised or hacked.
Now we’re going to discuss how all these security encryption can be bypassed and your system can be compromised online. There are several methods for exploiting such account information. Note: This is for educational purposes only (for more details read the disclosure). 
Some of them are:

1. Phishing: We have discussed phishing on this website in a lot of tutorials, such as how to hack Gmail or Facebook accounts. But for newcomers, I’ll explain phishing in some detail. Phishing is a technique used to hack password and login details of a website. Phish pages are simply fake pages that look the original webpage where you’re taking the information from. The only difference between a phish page and the original page is the address bar link (for a normal user), redirection post, and get method (inside source for advanced users). How do you identify a fake link? Just check the address bar URL for a fake page or Phish page. It will be showing a different URL than the original. You can install a web security tool bar in your browser (like AVG and Crawler web security tool bars) to detect the phishing automatically, and to stop your browser from visiting Phishing pages.
Learn more about Phishing and how to protect yourself from Phishing:
2. Trojans: Trojans are a type of virus that steals your information. It can come in many forms like keyloggers or RATs (remote administration tools). A keylogger monitors all the keys that you have pressed on your physical keyboard, stores them in a log, and sends the details to hackers. RATs are an advanced form of keylogger that remotely monitors all your activities, whereas a keylogger is simply a functionality. Using RAT, a hacker can connect to your system anonymously, without your information when you are online. RATs have a huge list of functionalities and they are the best type of hacking tools available on the market. Now, how do you protect yourself from a keylogger? Just keep your antivirus software updated and install a keyscrambler that encrypts your keystrokes. Unfortunately, once the RAT enters your system you cannot do anything other than formatting your system. An RATs attack can only can be prevented before it enters in your system. For RAT prevention, please do not download any software or keygens online. Also avoid downloading freewares from new websites, only use certified websites like CNET, filehippo, etc. Avoid testing fake hack tools because most hacking tools have keylogger and RATs attached to them. Test it under secured conditions like on Virtual Users. 
Learn more about how to avoid trojans:
3. Session Hijacking: Most of us use wireless networks to access the internet and data flow in the form of packets and channels. We know that wireless networks are easier to hack due to their weak encryption. When hackers hack wireless networks, they take control of the internet data transfer and redirect the user to their intended path. Suppose you visit Gmail or Facebook, a hacker gains access and then he redirects you to somewhere on the page and captures your account details. Packet sniffing is another way to hack account information and credentials using the wireless networks. Hackers capture packets and decrypt information to get data in the form of plain text. Now how do you prevent this? The solution is also relatively simple, you just need to hide your SSID and BSSID from being discovered by the other networks. Leave the SSID or BSSID empty. Now hackers will not be able to discover your wireless router in order to hack it.

Thursday 26 November 2015

Resetting Windows Password

Tested on: NT 3.51, NT 4 (all versions and SPs), Windows 2000 (all versions & SPs), Windows XP (all versions, also SP2 and SP3), Windows Server 2003 (all SPs), Windows Vista 32 and 64 bit (SP1 also), Window 7 (all variants). Some also say that it works on Windows Server 2008 too.
If used on users that have EFS encrypted files, and the system is XP or Vista, all encrypted files for that user will be UNREADABLE! and cannot be recovered unless you remember the old password again. If you don’t know if you have encrypted files or not, you most likely don’t have them (except maybe on corporate systems).
Boot your computer with Hiren’s BootCD and follow the steps below for resetting your password:

1. Enter “Offline NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer”

With Up & Down keys select Offline ‘NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer’ and press Enter.

2. Wait for “Offline NT Password & Registry Editor” to Load

On the screen below, you’ll see is several lines of text that quickly run down the screen. You don’t need to do anything here. Wait for “Offline NT Password & Registry Editor” to load.
1. Select "NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer"
2. Linux files are loading...

3. Choose the Correct Hard Drive Partition

This step in the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor process is to select the partition that contains the Windows installation that you want to delete a password from.
Many computers have a single operating system installed on a single partition on a single hard drive, making this a very easy choice.
If that’s the case for you, just press ENTER to accept the default partition. Otherwise, type the number corresponding to the correct partition from the Candidate Windows partitions found list and then press ENTER.
If more than one partition is listed and you’re not sure which one to pick, chances are the larger partition is the one with Windows installed.
Every Windows 7 PC will have more than one partition listed.

4. Confirm the Windows Registry Path

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor now needs to know the exact location of the Windows Registry. Except in the rarest of occasions, the default location will be the correct one.
Just Press ENTER to accept the default Windows Registry path without writing anything else.
3. Choose the Correct Hard Drive Partition
4. Confirm the Windows Registry Path

5. Choose the Password Reset Option

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor is now asking which part of the registry it should load.
Press ENTER to accept the default choice of Password reset.
The Offline NT Password & Registry Editor tool can perform various functions aside from resetting passwords but since that’s the focus of this particular walkthrough, that’s all we’ll discuss.

6. Choose the Edit User Data and Passwords Option

Now that the registry is loaded and available to the program, Offline NT Password & Registry Editor needs to know exactly what you want to do.
Press ENTER to accept the default choice of Edit user data and passwords.
This will load the necessary options for the actual password reset.
5. Choose the Password Reset Option
6. Choose the Edit User Data and Passwords Option

7. Enter the Username to Edit

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor now needs to know which user’s password you’d like to delete (erase, clear, blank, remove, call it what you like).
A default user is listed between the brackets at the prompt. In the above example, you can see that it’s the Administrator user.
If the default user is the user you’d like to remove the password from, simply press ENTER. Otherwise, enter the username and then press ENTER.

8. Type 1 to Clear (blank) user password and then press ENTER

At the bottom of the screen you’ll see the User Edit Menu with several options to choose from.
Type 1 for Clear (blank) user password and then press ENTER.
Offline NT Password & Registry Editor shows some interesting information about the username you entered in the last step – the full name, what groups the user belongs to, how many failed login attempts have taken place, how many total logins have been completed, and more.
If you see a check in the “Passwd not req.” box, this means that a password is not a requirement for this particular user. It does not mean that a password is not required to access the account in Windows. In other words, it’s saying that it is possible to erase this user’s password.
7. Enter the Username to Edit
8. Type 1 to Clear (blank) user password and then press ENTER

9. Type ! to quit the User Edit Tool

Assuming there weren’t any problems, you should see a Password cleared! message after entering 1 in the previous step.
Type ! to quit editing user and then press ENTER.
You must confirm these changes in a later step before they are actually complete. If you quit Offline NT Password & Registry Editor now then the password reset will not take place!

10. Type q to Quit Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

Enter q and then press ENTER to quit the Offline NT Password & Registry Editor registry editing tool.
Important: You’re still not done! You need to confirm your password reset change in the next step before it will take effect.
9. Type ! to quit the User Edit Tool
10. Type q to Quit Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

11. Type y and then press ENTER to confirm Password Reset Changes

At the Step FOUR: Writing back changes menu, Offline NT Password & Registry Editor asks if you want to write file(s) back.
Type y and then press ENTER.
You should see an EDIT COMPLETE message appear on screen. If you do, it means that Offline NT Password & Registry Editor has written the password changes to your computer!

12. Confirm That You’re Finished Using Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

Offline NT Password & Registry Editor gives you an option here to rerun the program. If you’ve been following along with this guide and everything seems to have worked properly then there’s little reason to repeat anything.
Press ENTER to confirm the default option of not rerunning the password reset.
11. Type y and then press ENTER to confirm Password Reset Changes
12. Press ENTER to Confirm That You're Finished Using Offline NT Password & Registry Editor

13. Remove Hiren’s BootCD and Restart the Computer

That’s it! You’ve just completed the entire Offline NT Password & Registry Editor password removal process.
13. Remove Hiren's BootCD and Restart the Computer
Note: If you receive a “job control turned off” or a “can’t access tty” error, don’t worry. As long as the EDIT COMPLETE confirmation message was posted to the screen after you confirmed the password reset changes then your password was successfully reset. You should still be able to see the confirmation on the screen at this point.
Remove Hiren’s BootCD from your CD/DVD drive and then manually reset your computer.
In the next step, you’ll finally get to logon to Windows without entering a password!
Now that your password has been removed using Offline NT Password & Registry Editor, no password is required to log on to Windows.
If you are the only user on your computer, Windows will boot all the way to the desktop on the next reboot and will skip the logon screen altogether.
If you’re on a multi-user computer (as many families are), the logon screen will still appear after starting Windows but when you click on the user that had the password removed, you will not be prompted for a password and will instead enter Windows automatically.
Having a secure password is important so please don’t continue to use Windows without one. As soon as you’ve gained access to your computer again, configure a new password – one you can remember a little easier!

Monday 9 November 2015



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